Monday, November 4, 2019

Short answer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Short answer - Assignment Example In this case, individual names may come into use or the use of names of acquaintances. These sequences often vary widely between composers. Schumann used such sequences in some of his compositions. One of the cryptograms he used was Scha (E-flat, C, B natural, A) as a representative for self in carnaval. In other cases, he used the reverse sequence of ASCH (Daverio 65-70). Music in the romantic era was an avenue that allowed the composers to express their emotions freely without hindrance. There were different types of music in this era. Schubert’s composition ‘the death and the maiden’ belonged to the category of ‘lied’ that combined an art song and the piano. ‘The death and the maiden’ was slow, accompanied by piano, and expressed the strongest of emotions of death. These traits make it fit in the romantic era. Schubert makes use of several devices to portray the characters of the famous poem ‘Erlkonig’. The story depicted in the poem has the narrator, father, boy, and Erlkonig. Schubert used different voice ranges with narrator using the middle range. He assigned the father a low range and a high range for the son while the Erlking stands out with the use of melody and piano adjustments. There are triplets of piano repetitions before the appearance of the ghostly Erlking. As the Erlking speaks, the piano produces rises and falls of arpeggios. There is a hastening of the pace as the father makes attempts of rescuing his son (Daverio

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